Monday, February 13, 2012

Gluteus to the Maximus ebook Most Common Questions

I’m a total beginner. Is this Gluteus to the Maximus program going to be too advanced for me to follow?

Nick Nilsson’s Answer:

This Gluteus to the Maximus program is VERY beginner-friendly! In fact, I’ve included a section in the book that starts you from complete scratch…what a set is, what a rep is, etc.

I will walk you through everything you need to know in order to get started and start seeing results FAST, even if you’ve never done an exercise in your life or have never set foot inside a gym!

One of the biggest things I wanted to do with this Gluteus to the Maximus program is make it accessible for EVERYBODY because I know everybody deserves the booty-building benefits this program delivers!

My Comments:

Many people tend to start their workouts at a level higher then they should. Nick has everything structured so you will have no problems starting at a beginner level.

Is everything in the Gluteus to the Maximus program laid out for me so I can just follow along? Or will I have to try and figure things out on my own?

Nick Nilsson’s Answer:

I’ve gone to great lengths to make sure the “Gluteus to the Maximus program” is very user-friendly!

The programs and workouts are laid in simple charts so that all you have to do is pick the workout you want to do then do it!

I’ve included videos for the exercises so you’ll know exactly what you’re doing every step of the way.

The book itself is packed with great information that will help you get the most out of your training.

Plus, you’ve got Me as your coach! I’m always here to help when you have any questions about anything!

My Comments:

Nick’s ebooks are great for making it easy on the user. He has detailed descriptions of the exercises as well as videos. If you have any other questions you can also send him an e-mail and he will get right back to you.

Do I have to take supplements or crazy pills or powders to get results with the Gluteus to the Maximus program?

Nick Nilsson’s Answer:

Supplements are definitely not necessary for the Gluteus to the Maximus program to work!

This Gluteus to the Maximus program is all about good training targeted with the goal of building the glute muscles, supported by good nutrition.

And while I do have some basic supplement suggestions (very straightforward stuff…nothing crazy or dangerous!), not a single one of the supplements is necessary in order for the program to work.

My Comments:

Supplement companies are always giving people the impression that they need them to workout or to get results. It’s all nothing but a scam. Yes some powders may give you an advantage but most of the results are going to come from proper nutrition and putting in the effort.

Will you be there to support me when I have questions or need help with the Gluteus to the Maximus program?

Nick Nilsson’s Answer:

I pride myself greatly on customer support. The main reason I wrote this book was to help you get the fat-loss results I know you’re capable of. It just wouldn’t make any sense for me to leave you hanging when you’ve got questions!

I want to be sure you’ve got all the information you need to get the best results possible and I will give you fanatical customer support to be sure you’ve got all the answers you need to get the most out of the Gluteus to the Maximus program.

My Comments:

Any time I email Nick I always get a quick response and the response is from Nick himself. Some other programs you’ll get some customer service rep that has never done the program and has no clue what you are talking about. With this Gluteus to the Maximus program you get the real thing.